Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After

Once Upon a Time, little girls were told they needed fairy tales. The goal was to hear the words, “And they lived happily ever after. The End.” It’s a scary idea. It says so right there: the end. A closed book. Happiness trapped under glass like a dead fly. The problem is that, when you are working toward an official Happily Ever After, you miss the nuances of the journey through the Big Bad Forest, the meat and mead of life: laughter, tears, growth, absurdity, knowledge, companionship, heartbreak, fulfillment, frustration, accomplishment. Life is messy, irreverent. It brooks no happily ever after. Why should it? Life is its own complicated reward.

Write your own story, but write it honestly. Live your own life, without succumbing to complacent platitudes. Embrace your own beautifully cracked version of success and happiness. Mine calls for writing words the best way I can, in reading more than is healthy, in loving a complex, brilliant, imperfect man. It allows for dust in the corners of my house and budding laugh lines around my eyes. I love every second of this broken bliss. It’s a thousand times better than any sterile Happily Ever After.

This is in response to the Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After. “And they lived happily ever after.” Think about this line for a few minutes. Are you living happily ever after? If not, what will it take for you to get there?

12 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After

  1. Excellent thought. Life is the journey, not the destination, and focusing only on “happily ever after” will miss all the excitement along the way. Well done.


  2. Pingback: Happily ever After…??? | The Chaotic Soul

  3. Pingback: The End and The Means | The Cranky Giraffe

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After Without Migraines | My Blog

  5. Pingback: Happily Ever After: The Fairy Tale or Reality? | thelissachronicles

    • Thank you so much. That compliment means a lot coming from you. The entire idea of Happily Ever After annoys me. It is such a stale concept that plays on outmoded gender roles AND it’s an unhealthy attitude to have from the perspective of actually enjoying life.


  6. Pingback: The Happily Ever After Complex | Inspired Every Moment

  7. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After | MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

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