Happy Birthday Anton Chekhov, You Sexy Beast

Anton Chekhov was born on 29 January 1860. In addition to being quite the looker…

Anton Chekhov, 1889

Anton Chekhov, 1889












…he ranks as one of my favourite writers.

QUOTE: “There is nothing new in art except talent.”

SOME WORKS: The Bear; The Seagull; Uncle Vanya; Three Sisters; The Cherry Orchard; The Death of a Government Clerk; The Huntsman; At the Mill; Easter Eve; Grisha; The Bet; The Darling; The Bishop.


Anton Chekhov Pocket Mirror by Tartx

Anton Chekhov Pocket Mirror by Tartx. $7.00 USD




20 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Anton Chekhov, You Sexy Beast

    • He was a hottie! One of my acting teachers back when I was a teenager was a student of a student of Stanislavski. That is when I was introduced to Chekhov’s work (because of his close association with K.S.). I fell in love with his writing. He’s not too shabby looking, either. 🙂


  1. For all fans of the attractive authors, have you seen the portrait of Nathaniel Hawthorne as a young man? (The actual portrait is hanging in the Hawthorne Hotel in Salem, Ma.) He is described as more beautiful than Lord Byron.


    • Yes, I believe I have. He doesn’t do much for me, looks-wise, I must say. Which is somehow suitable, as he is definitely one of my least favourite American writers. Sorry, Nathaniel! 🙂


      • Oh, my – we did an overview of Nat in my Literary Road Trip today – he was a complex man and I really enjoyed learning more about him. Melville dedicated Moby Dick to him. Looks don’t really matter in literature but to me he was a beautiful man. The Beasts are for a different type of appreciation.


      • I’ve had an aversion to his writing since middle school. Over the years, I’ve read everything he wrote, multiple times, and have not been able to lose my distaste. I just don’t have an affinity for him. I do agree that he was quite the fascinating person, though.


  2. Pingback: Chekhov’s short plays on stage | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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