Voices from the Grave #78: Edith Sitwell Interview

The fascinating Edith Sitwell on Face to Face, 1959:

18 thoughts on “Voices from the Grave #78: Edith Sitwell Interview

    • I haven’t read it yet, but Edith Sitwell: Avant Garde Poet, English Genius by Richard Greene looks pretty good. There is also a book of her collected letters edited by the biographer.

      She was amazing, wasn’t she? That interview is incredibly inspiring.


      • Maybe she was one of the people who saw the glass half empty. I would have loved to have a temporary peacock friend. 🙂 My parents were wonderful, but my childhood still had a fair share of misery despite the love I received.

        But misery can breed compassion sometimes.


      • Poor Edith had material things but not much love! A peacock would be a cool childhood companion, though. Even better than Flannery O’Connor’s chicken, I think.

        I’m lucky. I had a pretty happy-go-lucky, lovely childhood.


      • Love is the thing. We had a very happy family and I had a best friend who lived right across the street all the way up through high school. I just hated the tedium and stress of school–that’s where my misery came from. I’ve always been an outdoorsy rebel 🙂 but the teachers never knew. They thought I loved them and loved the endless stupidity of school systems.


      • Ah, that makes sense!

        I had a decent public school education but, honestly, I learned much more from the books I chose to read on my own time than I did from any school lesson.


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